Aviso legal
Clínica Guemes provides this website as a general information resource about our services. The information provided on this page is not intended as legal advice or recommendations. We recommend seeking professional legal advice to understand and establish your own terms and conditions for any services provided by Clínica Guemes.
Términos y Condiciones: fundamentos
Our terms and conditions (‘T&C’) are legally binding terms defined by Clínica Guemes for the use of this website. The T&C aim to establish the legal relationship between the visitors of the site and Clínica Guemes as the owner of the site.
What should be included in the terms and conditions document
In general, our T&C cover issues such as who is authorized to use the website, the possible methods of payment, a statement that Clínica Guemes may change its offerings in the future, the types of guarantees offered to our patients, a reference to intellectual property or copyright issues (if relevant), Clínica Guemes' right to suspend or terminate a member's account, and much more. For more information, please contact us directly.